New to Zachary United Methodist Church?
Here’s some information and what to expect when you visit us!
What are your worship services like?
We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. Our 9 AM service is a Traditional Service, including traditional hymns, a choir, acolytes, a children’s moment, and common UMC liturgy. It takes place in our beautiful sanctuary with stained glass and pews. Screens are used for congregational participation.
Our second service at 11 AM is a contemporary style of worship called “The Pathway Service”, and it includes a Praise Band with contemporary Christian music and screens for congregational participation. Children’s activity resources are provided and adults can take advantage of coffee and donuts prior to the service.
At both services Scripture is read and is followed by our pastor delivering an inspiring message that relates the scripture to everyday life and being a Christian in today's world. Our congregation welcomes all visitors, and we hope that you are blessed by your time spent in worship with us.
Click here to learn more about our beliefs.
Our second service at 11 AM is a contemporary style of worship called “The Pathway Service”, and it includes a Praise Band with contemporary Christian music and screens for congregational participation. Children’s activity resources are provided and adults can take advantage of coffee and donuts prior to the service.
At both services Scripture is read and is followed by our pastor delivering an inspiring message that relates the scripture to everyday life and being a Christian in today's world. Our congregation welcomes all visitors, and we hope that you are blessed by your time spent in worship with us.
Click here to learn more about our beliefs.
When are your worship services?
We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. Our Traditional Worship Service is held at 9:00 AM and our Pathway Contemporary Worship Service is held at 11:00 AM. Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:00 AM in respective Sunday School rooms. Feel free to visit the classes and find one that fits you best!
Where are you located?
We are located at 4205 Church Street in Zachary, Louisiana, adjacent to Zachary High School. For detailed directions and a local area map, please click here.
Where can I park?
Parking is available in four lots, as well as street level. There are two parking lots on Church Street on either side of the sanctuary building. There is a parking lot behind the church office, which is located adjacent to the high school. And, there is a parking lot on the corner of Rollins and Young Street behind our Fellowship Hall. Additional parking is available at the High School on Sundays.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code expected. Your presence is what is most important. At the traditional service, attire from business casual to jeans is worn to worship. On special Sundays, such as Easter, Mother’s Day, etc, people tend to dress up more. At the Pathway service, casual wear is normal, as it is a very informal setting. We welcome all persons and invite you to come as you are, and we hope you will find your time here spiritually refreshing!
What about children?
Children are welcome in all of our worship services! The 9:00 AM service offers a special children's message, and the 11:00 service offers a resource table with children's activities they can use during worship. On Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of each month, children are welcome to participate as a way of learning about Jesus love for them. We have an outstanding Children's Ministry and Sunday School classes are available for children 4 years and older. A Nursery is provided for all worship services for children younger than 4 years old. It is located in the Children's Building, and pagers are available for you in case the attendees need to contact you during worship. The Nursery is available from 8:45 am until 12:15 pm.
When is communion held?
Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month, and is offered at both the 9:00 am and the 11:00 am services. We also offer it at other times during the year, such as during Holy Week. We use the Biblical method of Intinction, where you will be given a piece of bread to dip into a chalice of grape juice. Membership is not required to participate in communion. We have an open table for all who seek the grace Jesus offers. The ushers direct the congregation when it is time for communion.
We also have a team that takes communion to our homebound and nursing home residents, and we host a communion service at Oakwood Assisted Living Home the first Sunday of each month.
We also have a team that takes communion to our homebound and nursing home residents, and we host a communion service at Oakwood Assisted Living Home the first Sunday of each month.
Can I access the service and sermons during the week?
We broadcast our Pathway Service each week on Facebook Live. The pastor’s sermons are also available on our website.